Monday, 16 July 2012

Let the blogging begin!

Dear Readers

Which is that one single device that’s with you 24*7; invariably it is the mobile phone! It is not just about being connected anymore, it’s much beyond. Mobile phone now is a world in itself which makes available music, images, videos, Apps, social media, e-commerce, news and much more, right in your palms. Flashback into a couple of decades and all these were unheard of. Indians relied on trunk calls, faxes, telegrams for communication and radio, audio cassette and television for entertainment. So what led to this digital revolution in the country?

The telecom industry over the last decade has transformed the way we communicate. Together along with the growth in IT and ITES sector, it has provided consumers in India a whole new digital experience. From high speed internet that has evolved at a rapid pace from the DSL days, to devices like smart phones and tablets that have brought the whole world today in our hands, technology is fast changing consumer lifestyle.

Spectrum auction- 2G & 3G; news that dominated the headlines for the last couple of years have laid the foundation for VAS (Value Added Service) players in the telecom industry to explore beyond voice- in areas of data transmission. As it is often said, if the last decade voice ruled the roost, this decade till 2020 it will be ‘data’. And data is beyond high speed internet but about applications, video and entertainment on multiple platforms.

Therefore as I often say and I in this case compare the telecom ecosystem with roads and highway network across the country. The big telecom operators with their spectrum purchases have created extensive highway network for us and presently these networks have very minimal vehicles running on them. So what is the RoI for them; their investment will break even with the money that they collect through the tolling mechanism with more vehicles plying on this network. And this vehicle movement is nothing but data transmission, video transmission on mobile and other internet transmitting devices. 

Furthermore, modern day lifestyle hardly provides consumers with the time to relax on the couch and enjoy TV- their daily soaps, news, films, sports and entertainment. However being on the move and in between meetings they have their break-free sessions with their mobile phones/ tablets as devices they work and play with. To reach out to this consumer who in the middle of busy schedule wants to enjoy what was missed last evening, we conceptualized DigiVive and nexGTv. With DigiVive (, we decided to kickstart a brand with a cliché-busting way of looking at our two most favorite things: Entertainment and Mobile Technology.

Today, we are just about a year old. We have been listening and learning from the industry, we have been strengthening our infrastructure and at the same time engaging with consumers across the country. We have been traveling length and breadth and it is indeed a pleasure that nexGTv app has been downloaded by 3 million users in just about a year with close to 20,000 downloads a day. There is so much happening and I wanted to share with you all- the experiences, the challenges, the learning, the invention and how we can provide the best entertainment experiences on mobile to our customers. And therefore, we have gathered up the courage and donned our Zuckerberg sweatshirts to set up our very own official social media powered thought playground: The DigiVive Blog- which on request of employees and peers, we are terming as GD’s BLOG! And it’s an honor to give a very warm first welcome to you all!

For those who know me and who don’t know me well, allow me to introduce myself. G.D Singh here: film-fan, tech-geek, and when on duty- Director of DigiVive.

For a long while now it’s been an objective of mine to figure out how we can showcase a more real and personal side to what we do in the Mobile TV world to a wider audience. Data VAS, Infotainment and MVAS– or ‘entertainment on the move’ as I like to call it, is reaching more and more Indians by-the-day as the mobile sector continues to enjoy massive growth. With more people becoming connected through both hardware and improving wireless technology, it’s my view that information and entertainment direct-to-mobile will be a massive driver for the health, well-being and financial prosperity of this great country for the coming years and hence all the more reason to open doors that educate, evangelize and generally cheer on this exciting industry.

From here on in you’ll be able to get the inside-track on everything related to the exciting world of Mobile TV through the lens of nexGTv. From the latest services and special offers, to personal on-ground reports from key events such as the Mobile World Congress all the way through to the people, technology, trends and content that are powering the entertainment at your fingertips

What’s more, we can’t wait for this space to bring us closer with those of you at the enjoyment end of the spectrum; our subscribers, content fans, mobile industry watchers and those interested from all walks of life.

For this reason we wanted to kickstart the blog by taking the opportunity to remind readers that this blog is NOT another excuse for me to talk but also a key opportunity to connect. And to this end we have provided a comments section. It would be great to hear back from those of you in the mobile universe around how we can improve the blog, suggested topics and any other insights around how we can improve our service and keep on delivering to people more of what they want.

We know we’ve had a great thumbs up from you guys with over 3 million downloads across app stores within the last one year of nextGTv’s launch which is amazing. So this is really a chance to give back and listen to you guys on what makes your world better…on the move.  

So without further ado… Let’s mobilize and make this blog a better place!!!


  1. Unmet customer needs that you can address. It can create a great value to customer.
